Missoula Community Access Television (MCAT) provides Missoula residents and organizations with the equipment, training, and channel time to produce media based on their interests and concerns. These programs reflect Missoula's cultural, political, and intellectual diversity, and help foster a community dialogue about people and issues that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Why We Ask for Your Support. MCAT, Missoula's Community Media Resource, encourages every child to explore their creativity through hands-on media creation experiences. MCAT believes that Media Education is a vital part of empowering young people. Our kids seek out moving images as the fastest way to learn new things and exercise their imaginations. Kids who are media literate are more prepared to navigate a world dominated by social media and media influences. Your support will go towards youth media workshops and camps for school breaks and during the summer months. Thank you. 

Thanks for your interest in Missoula Community Access Television, Missoula's Media Resource.

Our sign up form has moved to our website at MCAT.org

follow this link:



Welcome to Missoula Community Media Resource (MCAT). To get started at MCAT, you need to register for training on cameras, studio and editing. This form allows you to do that.  Once you have completed training, you are ready to check out equipment and get started on your project!

We require all future producers create content for our channel (Charter Cable 189 and 190). As a Non-Profit we like to celebrate everything Missoula, but are not allowed to show Commercials or Any "Call to Actions."

MCAT staff will contact you via email to set up your training appointment. 

Hello,  and thanks for requesting a Media Assistance Grant from Missoula Community Access  Television (MCAT). We offer this free service to non-profit, civic, religious groups and other non-commercial organizations. The grant consists of up to twelve hours of MCAT staff time  and all the television equipment needed to produce your program. MCAT  staff will directly assist your organization in creating a program to  highlight your organization. The program could describe the services or  opportunities your organization offers, or you could choose to archive  an event sponsored by, or relevant to, your organization. The  finished program/event will run on the MCAT channel and may be posted on MCAT's YouTube channel or other social media.   


You  should expect to spend some staff or volunteer time to work with the  MCAT staff in completing the project. MCAT staff will travel to a  location within our service area, and you might have to send a  representative of your organization to MCAT for post-production of the  program, assisted by an editor. If you want MCAT to videotape a meeting  or event that is NOT of your own group or organization, you must obtain  written permission from that group or organization and present it with  your application.

Experience  has taught us that organizers have a large number of concerns just  before a live public event. Please incorporate the videotaping of the  event in this set of concerns. A good video program will not result  without attention to the technical needs of MCAT staff assigned to your  media grant. We require someone from your organization to meet MCAT  staff at the event site, to help identify where to set up. The MCAT  staff person may need access to the event sound system personnel,  lighting, stage or facilities manager or other key elements to creating a  successful record of your event. Please make sure that presenters/performers are  aware that the event is being recorded for presentation on the MCAT cable channels and social media. 


     For live events we request that a representative or your organization  provide the following verbal credit announcement at the event:

  "This event will be videotaped by Missoula Community Access Television  as part of its Media Assistance Grants Program to nonprofit  organizations."

Missoula Community Access Television serves the Missoula area on cable channel 189 and 190.

 The completed  program must premiere on the MCAT channel. If you have any questions  about this production grant opportunity please contact one of us at mcat@mcat.org, or 542-6228. 

Thank you for your interest!



The MCAT Program Contact is used for producers/sponsors that wish to submit a finished, single program or series to air on Missoula Community Access Television. Programming must be non-commercial in nature and can be any length.

MCAT's Animation Workshops are each Saturday, during the school year, from 1:00-3:00pm. 

Please arrange transport for your child to and from MCAT. You will be asked to sign in and out each participant (under 18) when you arrive. 

MCAT is located at the Missoula Public Library, 455 E. Main St. Missoula

Missoula Community Access TV